​How To Make Sex Toy At Home? Masturbating in pairs: the best sex toys!

You masturbate. Your partner is masturbating. But why not masturbate together? Masturbating together makes your antics more exciting and spice up your sex life. Especially when adding well-spiced sex toys to the mix. Introduce your vibrating companion under your sheets!

How To Make A Sex ToyOvercome your shame

Yes, masturbation is an act of self-love, but why not share it? By masturbating together? Not only is it intense, but it sometimes makes orgasm easier.

Taboo around solitary pleasure

Many couples find it difficult to admit that they masturbate. They clear their browser history after watching a porn video and hide their sex toys. For what ? Some people don't want their partner to feel hurt. But most people are still ashamed to talk about solitary pleasure.
From childhood, we learn that masturbation is something you do alone, in your room. But this cover-up created a veil of shame over masturbation. And in addition an atmosphere of taboo when it comes to masturbation. For many couples, solitary pleasure is something you do in secret when your partner isn't around. It's a shame, because masturbation can have a huge impact on your sex life. Also when you do it together!
​How To Make Sex Toy At Home

You are the expert

Although masturbating together is different in every relationship, the basic principles are simple. You indulge yourself while your partner takes care of him or her or watches you. Interaction is not necessary, it is about feeling connected to the desire and pleasure of the other. Solitary pleasure is a super sexy way to get to know each other's bodies better.
Of course, you feel vulnerable when you slide your fingers down while your partner watches you. At first, you may feel embarrassed or self-conscious, as if you have to put on some kind of show. But it can also be very intense. Because you're embracing your own sexuality and you have the chance to show your partner how it's done. After all, who knows your pain points better than you? You are the expert on your own body, and have the right to show it.

What Are Sex ToysWhy masturbate together?

Masturbation is obviously one of the best ways to relax and get to know your body better. Are you going to let your partner watch you or vice versa? It's hard to imagine a more exciting form of self-discovery. Masturbating together gives you the opportunity to show off, in a more intimate and exciting way than ever before.

The most intimate game you can play

There's nothing more intimate than watching your partner climax. Not only is it very exciting to see how the other plays with themselves, but it also allows you to connect with each other in a completely new way. It's the most intimate game you can play with your partner. Let your partner watch you do what you normally only dare to do when you're alone. Just the idea can transport you to a state of absolute ecstasy and this mixture of vulnerability and power is a feeling hot as embers.

A sexy form of sex education

At the same time, it's the sexiest form of sex education. Watching you caress your favorite spots, you will irrevocably learn some intricacies from each other. Adding shared solitary pleasure to your sexual repertoire can help your partner become as good a lover as you are. Because, admit it, no one can make you cum like yourself. And that promises something intense for the next round of fun.
The other benefits!

1. Orgasm guarantee

If you feel uncomfortable, it will probably be difficult for you to enter the “yes…yes…yessssssssssssss phase! ". But if you let go of your blockages, nothing will stand between you and a sensational orgasm. Because, well: you do it yourself after all!

2. There is nothing wrong with watching and being watched.

We are all curious about each other. And deep down we want the other person to see us too. It is therefore very sexy for your partner to observe you in your most vulnerable form, just as it is extremely exciting for you to see how your partner has fun with himself. So release the voyeur and the exhibitionist who sleep in you!

3. The best sex education ever

Get ready for a dizzying improvement in your sexual performance after your solitary pleasure session. By masturbating together, you learn what the other likes. And you can be sure that your partner will love that you show him without any embarrassment the movements and the touches which make you reach the ecstasy. So there is no better way to improve the quality of your sex life. After all, you both want each other to benefit, don't you?

4. Naughty fantasies

Total abandonment is a beautiful phenomenon, especially in bed. And opening the door to double masturbation opens up a world of naughty possibilities. What about kinky fantasies, such as role-playing, threesomes , or group sex? Pleasing yourself in front of the other person dramatically speeds up the naughty factor. So yes, you can masturbate together to access a deeper connection. But you can also do it to make your naughty fantSex toys!
When you let your fingers roam over you, you often seek extra help in your nightstand. To tickle things more and make an orgasm even more intense, for example. But do you ever fantasize about using sex toys during regular sex? And your partner is not really open to that? Masturbating together is then the best way to motivate a partner who is a little modest to this idea!

How To Buy Sex ToysThe best sex toys for two

Do you now know your own ways of pleasure? And have you also shown them in all their glory to your partner through skillful fingers and hands? So maybe it's time to get the sex toys off your bedside table.
You don't have to take out the sex toys only when there is no one around. You can also use them to play with yourself and to show your partner what you like. Admit it, the thrill of a high-end sex toy can't always be matched by fingers, tongue, or genitals. When it comes to sex, sex toys are the icing on your cake.

How Sex Toys WorkFinger and G-spot vibrators

But what if you want to intensify the intimate stimulus of double masturbation? Vibrators come in all shapes and sizes. From modest to immense and slight vibrations to intense earthquakes on your lips. A good G-spot vibrator therefore helps you feel that ultimate orgasm, deep inside you. The strongly curved top of this golden model guarantees stimulation of the mysterious point, every time. Meanwhile, bunny ears tickle your clitoris, for even more intense orgasms.
In addition, a finger vibrator offers strong and intense sensations, which reverberate throughout your body. The advantage of this finger vibrator ? That it is suitable for both women and men. The powerful vibrations can be released on the clitoris, nipple, penis or scrotum. Then masturbation together suddenly becomes much more exciting.

Lonely pleasure from a distance

Want to introduce toys into the bedroom for the first time? It is therefore advisable to use one that is a little less intimidating than a realistic dildo. Like this pink air pressure vibrator for an explosive clitoral orgasm. You can use it on any sensitive part of your body. Thanks to the eleven air pressure settings, you are sure to experience extremely intense orgasms.
You are not always together when one of you is on a business trip, for example. Do you want to masturbate and do it remotely with your partner? Then opt for the We-Vibe Chorus , it's a vibrator that you can control remotely via an app. The app works worldwide, allowing you to enjoy remote sex without physically being together. What could be more exciting than feeling your partner controlling the vibrations of your vibrator from thousands of miles away? He can even control the pace and intensity, so get ready for some seriously hot sex dates!

Penetration and masturbation at the same time? Oh yeah !

The We-Vibe Chorus is also ideal to use when you are in bed. The toy is worn by the woman and rests on the G-spot and the clitoris in a pleasant way. Since you don't need your hands, you can simply be penetrated while the vibrator does its job of vibrating. Plus, even your partner will feel the vibrations when inside you. The We-Vibe is inserted partially vaginally, which not only makes the vagina a little tighter, but the vibrations can also be felt through the penis.
Cock rings
Come on, of course, double jerk off isn't just about your own pleasure. Your partner deserves a little extra too, right? Surprise him with a cock ring . Such a ring allows his penis to stay hard longer because the blood is retained more. Some cock rings have a vibration feature that puts pressure on your clitoris during penetration.
While we're at it. Has your partner already discovered the joys of anal stimulation? There are many prostate vibrators that are perfect for anal intercourse. For men, it might even be the ultimate route to an intense P-spot orgasm. So please her and subtly place the arousing package on her pillow.

Buy sex toys online

Convinced of the benefits of sex toys during double masturbation? Good news: our online store sells sex toys that are perfect for a solitary pleasure session… for two! Discover the sexiest items here!


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